About TCMA
Why clients choose
our centre
Traditional Chinese Medicine Australia (TCMA) has literally assisted thousands of people with dealing with health issues using specially designed treatments.
TCMA skills
We are Trained Chinese Medicine Practitioners
Chinese Herbs
Be proactive and take
charge of your health
According to traditional Chinese wisdom, the heart is the king of all the organs. However, all the organs in the body, i.e. the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen need to work in harmony and age at the same speed for good health to be achieved. When the major organs are functioning efficiently, there is greater health, vitality and mental health.
Our organs are interdependent and rely on each other to function in-sync. They must occupy their natural space with minimal surplus fat or fluid in between them. Healthy organ function impacts on both the lymphatic and blood flow systems.
The lymphatic system is one of the keys to good health. A well-performing lymphatic system keeps the body fluids in balance and encourages a good blood flow. A good blood flow encourages the major organs to work in perfect synchronicity.
Additionally, negative emotions directly impact on the way our organs function, so good mental health is crucial to achieving and maintaining good health.

Do you wake up each day
feeling refreshed, happy
and full of energy? If not,
perhaps it’s time to:
- Reboot your body
- Rid yourself of toxins
- Improve the quality of your life
Your body is constantly communicating with you. Niggling chronic symptoms are its way of signalling that something is starting to go wrong with your health. So, take action now.
We believe it is never too late to start feeling well.
Your body has an innate intelligence which tells you when your health is slipping.
According to the World Health Organisation, 75% of us experience sub-health. This is when you aren’t really sick. You may be tired, but have trouble sleeping. Perhaps you are putting on weight and don’t know why. You don’t have a diagnosable disease. You know you just aren’t right. Sub-health is the intermediate state between being healthy and falling sick.
If you are in a constant state of sub-health, your immunity may suffer, your organs will age faster and this can lead to more serious ailments especially if you have been in a sub-health condition for a long period of time.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Australia seeks to address all aspects of a person’s health and wellbeing and looks at not only the symptoms but more importantly the source of the illness which is according to the philosophies and principles of ancient Chinese medicine.

Our team
Meet the TCMA Team
At TCMA, our trained practitioners are highly qualified professionals who have each received extensive training. TCMA trained practitioners are passionate about sharing their extensive knowledge and experience. At TCMA, the team uses Chinese medicine techniques to stimulate the body, the mind and the spirit in order to restore health on a cellular level. Patients are guided with skill and care to support their physical, mental and emotional health and wellness through therapies that embrace the body’s own regenerative and healing processes.
The trained trained practitioners use their skills and knowledge along with their passion and enthusiasm to help you along your journey to wellness.